Saturday, July 18, 2009

la-tease me with those long lashes!

We all want long, thick eyelashes. When I heard that Allergan was releasing an FDA approved product earlier this year promising to provide its users with long, thick, darker lashes, I could not wait to get my hands on a bottle! After almost 2 months of using Latisse, I am starting to really see a difference! Here is a little info about the product.

Latisse was born from a glaucoma medication previously released by the drug company Allergan. You might know Allergan as the company that released Botox Cosmetic. After patients using the glaucoma medication noticed their lashes were getting longer and thicker, Allergan knew they had to explore it further. This leads us to Latisse!

Latisse is really easy to use and very effective, as I am seeing now. It provides single-use brushes on which you put a drop of the Latisse solution and apply to the lash line of the top lashes of one eye only. Then you repeat the process with a new brush on the other side. You can also apply the solution to your brows if you find yours have grown sparse from over-grooming or genetics.

How is Latisse different from other lash enhancers on the market? First of all, it is FDA approved for lash growth, which basically means IT WORKS! Then, since you never touch the bottle of Latisse to your skin, it remains sterile. When you use other enhancers that come in tubes and brushes similar to liquid eyeliner, you are contaminating it with bacteria and germs everytime you touch your skin and return it to the bottle. That means you should never keep the product longer than a couple months. It has been two months since I bought my first bottle, and I still have another months worth in that bottle. If it were any other lash enhancer, I would recommend throwing it away by now. Also, if you stop using it, you will just eventually go back to the same lashes you had before. There is no risk of losing more lashes or having shorter lashes if you stop using it.

So what is my verdict? I think this product was sent by angels! It really works, and is worth every penny! You can get some at Emil Tanghetti’s office at 56th and J, or at The Laser and Skin Surgery Center on 38th and J. Latisse costs between $120-160.